Errmm...nak cari

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

US --> waiting for me!

g US? btul ke? biar betul ni...serius ke? erm...btul la..ape lak tipu...mana main tipu2 ni...
mesti suma pun cm terkejut...btul ke?btul ke?
mestila not me yg student masa prog permata pintar ritu...
actually tumpang gembira tuk dia...unexpected...out of 400 students were been there for a couple of week, luckily he got choosen...only 5 students were selected...sangat happy as his teaching assistant because he comes from the cryptology class which i'm one of the teachers...
masa minggu terakhir program tu,actually kami yg jadi guru2 waktu tu kena write something about them...about their performance during that time...and we got only 5 forms and we have to select only 5 students yg paling bagus diorg punya performance...
erm,terlupa nk bgtau, yg terpilih tu kiteorg panggil dia Asyraf...Asyraf ni mmg bagus...yg paling menonjolkan dia as an excellent student because dia sgt kreatif...dia gn Afiq...actually damn creative...pndi diorg reka caesar wheel tu smpi 3 a results,diorg dpt crack the codes faster than others.see? very creative rite? mungkin rezeki Asyraf,then dia dapat...Afiq pun ok mayb rezeki lebih berpihak pada Asyraf...
lg 1 kelebihan Asyraf ni, dia berani... masa prog tu berjalan, ade 2 org yg pantau kem tu...both came from John Hopkins University...kiranye mat salleh laa..of course la kan...
Asyraf ni bole dia g tye kt dua2 mat salleh ni,bole x dia pgil dua2 tu gn gelaran daddy...berani kan dia? so, nmpk dpd situ, he has no problem with the, kiranye lau dia ni dihantar ke USA, dia mayb xde masalah nk bergaul gn anak2 mat salleh...
hopefully he gains something from there and shares that with his frens here in Malaysia...
Tahniah Asyraf!